This is the third or fourth year I have done a GSoC project as a mentor. They are always great fun, and just as hiring well reaps rewards, so does evaluating a GSoC student. Every year I have chose one with attitude over ability. The right attitude that is. An attitude to show those who appear to know more about the subject the evidence that proves they need to think again, and a hunger for the information that might add to what they already know. My wife always says men are strange. When they are lost in a big city they rarely ask the way. More often they search for a map or pull out a iphone or htc and try and work it out for themselves. All around them are experts that will not only tell them the way, but tell them about the great cafe to stop for coffee at one street up, and the dark alley to avoid one street down. Ability can be acquired, attitude is who you are. If its wrong, then it takes a long time to change. This year the GSoC student I chose and was mentoring was Aadish Kotwal. He knows how to ask questions and enrich his journey, in the process he enriched mine and showed me a thing or two. I think he enjoyed the process, and wrote some great code. I certainly enjoyed it. This is what he said:


According to the link [1] I have submitted my share of code in OAE project on [2]. Please let me know if you expect anything else.

Also, Ian I am so much grateful to you, you have no idea! Thanks a lot for passing me in final evaluations :) It really wouldn’t have been possible without your continuous support and confidence in me. Open source world, though awesome, was really a bit intimidating. But it was because of your gentle attitude and kind understanding that I was able to come this way! I have learnt SO many thing from you and I am so grateful! I can just go on, but I know each passing minute costs you a lot!

But lastly and again a big thanks! I will try my best to fulfill yours and Amyas’s wishes. It has been an awesome experience working with you! I will try my best to stay in touch with you and try to contribute as much as I can if you wish!

[1] :

[2] : __Regards, Aadish Kotwal”

He deserved to pass with flying colors. Well done Aadish.