I am no fan of JSF, but watching the eXo portal 2.0 is an eye opener.


This is an open source portal system (GPL) that uses JSF and Pico IoC for its core. It has JSR-168 and JSR-170 support at its core. It uses widgets and Ajax heavilly, and having built the platform they appear to be adding functionality quickly. They have an ECM component (Enterprise Content Management), Workflow (BPEL and XPDL), Groups, Users some Groupware (Calendar, messages) and in the incubator something called exo-lcms with a wiki component and scorm support.

The portlets appear to be velocity (VTL) or JSF based, but when you get to the Skins part of the video…… I think they might be infringing copyright somewhere.

Technical docs are at http://docs.exoplatform.org/

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